Address 1346 Wheaton Dr Troy, MI 48083
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What base materials can SURFALLOY be applied to?
A. SURFALLOY can be applied to all tool steel as well as low-carbon steel. Generally, SURFALLOY can be applied to any iron-based material.
Q. Should the part be heat-treated prior to the SURFALLOY process?
A. The tool should be heat-treated to improve the substrate’s wear characteristics. SURFALLOY can be applied to annealed materials as well.
Q. Can SURFALLOY be re-applied?
A. Yes. There is no need for stripping of the previous treatment. SURFALLOY can accurately redeposit the coating to a previously treated surface. If the tool has worn through the SURFALLOY, then the coating will follow the contour of the wear.
Q. What surface treatments inhibit the SURFALLOY process?
A. Ferritic nitrocarburizing, ion nitride, salt bath nitride, and black oxide. These treatments can be applied after the SURFALLOY deposit.
Q. Can the SURFALLOY tungsten carbide coating be applied to solid tungsten carbide?
A. No. The substrate is too hard.
Q. What base materials can arc spray and HVOF be applied to?
A. These spray processes can be applied to almost any metal, including steel, aluminum, brass, bronze, and copper.
Q. What are the different deposit materials that can be applied with the arc spray and HVOF processes?
A. Steel-, cobalt- and nickel-based alloys and tungsten carbide.
Q. Can arc spray and HVOF be redeposited?
A. Yes. However, the old coating needs to be removed.
Q. Does SURFALLOY accept credit cards?
A. Yes. Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.
Q. Does SURFALLOY improve part life?
A. Yes, our customers have reported tool life improvement between 2 to 6 times normal.